
The total sanctuary area is approximately 635 sq km in Uttar Pradesh, 320 sq km in Madhya Pradesh and 285 sq km in Rajasthan. The sanctuary is administered jointly by the states of Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan. One of the cleanest rivers in India, the 425 km stretch of the Chambal river is home to the rare and endangered Gharial ( Gavialis gangeticus) and Ganges River Dolphin ( Platanista gangetica). The sanctuary has the largest population of Gharials in the world. Established in 1979 as a riverine sanctuary, it is the ultimate destination for wildlife enthusiasts. The Sanctuary is listed as an important bird area (IBA) IN122 and is a proposed Ramsar site. The vegetation consists primarily scrubby and thorny, primarily babul (Prosopis juliflora), ber (Zizyphus jujuba) and shisham (Dalbergia sassoo). The mammals found in the sanctuary are Jungle Cat, Bengal Fox, Smooth Coated Otter, Common Palm Civet, Indian Small Mongoose, Indian Grey Mongoose, Sambar, Porqupine, Indian Hare etc. Some of the other species of animals that are present in the river are smooth-coated otters (Lutra perspicillata), crocodiles, 30 varieties of fish and many species of turtles. Chambal has 8 rare turtle species out of the 26 found in the country. One can also find a range of toads and frogs. The park is also a haven for more than 320 species of resident and migrant birds. For bird watching, Bah in Uttar Pradesh is the ideal location. Some of which are the Flamingo, Stork, Pallas's fish-eagle, Crane, The white-rumped vulture, Lark, Eagle, The Indian vulture, Buzzard, Hawk, The greater spotted eagle, the Indian skimmer, Babbler, Tailor Bird. The endangered Indian skimmer can also be seen in the National Chambal Wildlife Sanctuary. On the way one can stop at Agra, and visit the Taj Mahal. Since one can find crocodiles and alligators, so don't try swimming with the dolphins in Chambal river. The sanctuary offers bird watching, nature photography, nature walks and Gharial and Dolphins sightings. For watching birds, UP and MP states offers more visibility especially at the riverbanks. Both Indian and migratory birds are seen here. Those who want to see Crocodiles a boat ride on the river, in the UP side and in Rajasthan is the best. A 3- to 3.30 hr river safari on the river is the best way to see this sanctuary. Boats are arranged by Chambal Safari Lodge at the Nandgawan point. The boats are basic with a seating capacity of 8-15 people. It also provides snacks and lunches. Fee : Rs 2,500/- inclusive of guide fees. Long (100 km) trips can be organised over two to three days on request. Prior booking is needed. |