Monday, March 3, 2025

Tourism      Wildlife      Bird Sanctuary      Maharashtra     Aurangabad    

Jaikwadi Bird Sanctuary




Aurangabad and Ahmednagar Districts, Maharashtra



Birdwatcher's paradise

Best Time to Visit


October to February

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Jayakwadi Bird Sanctuary in the Aurangabad and Ahmednagar districts of Maharashra is one of the most fascinating bird sanctuaries. Sprawls across the backwaters of Nathsagar reservoir, it houses variety of flora and fauna. A wide range of resident and more than 70 species of migratory birds and resident birds can found in the vicinity. Jaikwadi was notified as a sanctuary in 1986.

Located in the Paithan village, it's biodiversity owes much to the Jaikwadi dam alias Paithan dam which was constructed over the sacred river Godavari in 1973. It is the major source of water supply to the Aurangabad city. With the10 kms long dam barrier, it boasts to be the largest earthen dam in Maharashtra. It is a shallow saucer type water body with nearly 450-km long shoreline. Jayakwadi dam offers scenic and panoramic view of Paithan and is a magnificient treat for the bird watchers.

Inside the sanctuary there is a large garden known as Sant Gyaneshwar Udyan . Spread over 124 hectares, it is the largest garden in Maharashtra. Similar to the famous Vrindavan Garden of Bengalaru, it has colourful flowerbeds, hundred thousand trees, forty thousand fruit trees, vast lawns and musical fountains. Besides these attractions, the park provides a children's play area, swimming pool and boat rides which all make this spot ideal for a weekend picnic.


The aquatic vegetation included mainly the species of Chara, Spyrogyra, Hydrilla, Potamogeton, Vallisneria etc. Argemone Maxicana and Ipomea Fistulosa occures in surrounding area. In Sant Dnyaneshwar Udyan at the foot of the dam has a large number of many species of trees.


The sanctuary has attracted many species of resident and migratory birds. Among the 200 species of birds found here, more than 70 species of are of migratory birds. Migratory birds coming from Central Asia, Europe, Uzbekistan, Siberia, among others are visible in the region since many days. Some individual species of migratory birds are more than 15000 in number. Among the migratory birds, most common are Domicile Cranes, Flamingos, Brahmany Duck, Pochards Teals, Pintails, Wigeon, Shovellar, God Wit, Glossy Ibis, etc. The Sanctuary is always an attraction for aspirant and experienced Bird watchers. There are plenty of fishes too. Almost 50 species of fishes are found in the area.

