Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Tourism      Wildlife      Bird Sanctuary      West Bengal     North Dinajpur    

Kulik (Rajganj) Bird Sanctuary

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North Dinajpur district, West Bengal
Nearest town
: Rajganj (5 kms)
Main attraction

Migratory Birds

Best time to visit

All year round


Kulik (Raiganj) Bird Sanctuary lies along the National Highway 34, on the banks of the Kulik River, in North Dinajpur District of West Bengal. It is popularly known as Kulik Bird Sanctuary because the river Kulik flows beside the sanctuary. Established as the Raiganj Wildlife Sanctuary in 1985, it extends over 1.30 sq km in which core area 0.14 sq km and buffer area 1.16 Sq km.

With a large number of migratory birds coming to the Kulik sanctuary, it is growing as a famous tourist spot. The Kulik forest is the second largest in Asia. In 2008, according to a census, 91,540 birds had visited the area, and some 70,000 to 80,000 migratory birds visit the sanctuary annually. Several types of migratory birds arrive here each year from South Asian countries and coastal regions.

 Number of tourists visiting the sanctuary keeps on increasing with each year, as there has been a rise in the number of migratory birds coming to the sanctuary. One of the largest bird sanctuaries in Asia, Kulik has the largest colony (heronry) of Open billed stork in Asia.

Home to 164 species of birds, the sanctuary visits migratory birds during end of May to Ist week of July that includ the Asian Open-billed Storks, Egrets, Night Herons and Cormorants.

They depart from mid December to end of January. The nesting time is from July to August and egg laying from August to September. Inside the sanctuary, there are few watchtowers which provides a fine view of the sanctuary and the birds.

Some of the resident birds are Dove, Bulbul, Kites, Flycatchers, Sparrow, Owls, Kingfishers, Woodpeckers and Drongos.

Apart from birds, the sanctuary boasts several wildlife creatures and flora. One can find here the rare species of heronries and many more. Sissoo, Simul, Siris, Akashmoni, Khair, Lali, Khadam, Mingiri, Eucalyphus Spp., Sidha, Jarul, Sal, Sheora, Teak, Arjun are the main dominant tree species.

The entry fee for an individual ais s 40; video cameras are charged Rs 200 and still cameras Rs 100.

There is an eco park Raiganj Kulik Eco Park, built right on the edge of the bird sanctuary constructed by the district administraction with the objective of enhancing the beauty of the area and to draw more tourists.
