Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Tourism      Wildlife      Bird Sanctuary      Gujarat     Mehsana    

Thol Bird Sanctuary




Mehsana distritct, Gujarat State

Main attraction


Migratory Birds

Best time to visit



Entry Fee


6 am to 5.30 pm

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A birder’s paradise as well as a photographer's, Thol Wildlife sanctuary is actually a beautiful lake like the nearest bird sanctuary Thol. Covers an area of 7 sq km, it is located north of Ahmedabad, in Mehsana District.

It was established in 1912 as an irrigation tank (storage capacity of 84,000,000 m³) and command area of 5.6 mi² and catchment area of 59 mi² when the Maharajas of Baroda ruled parts of this district. And due to its popularity amongst the bird fraternity, it earned the status of a sanctuary in November 1988. It's land surrounding the lake provide sufficient amount of food for the birds while the hydrological ecosystem takes care of the other species. 

The vegetation of the Sanctuary comprises scrub forests which makes an ideal location to about 80 species of waterfowls. During winter and spring seasons, thousands of migratory waterfowl flock to this sanctuary. Some of the migratory birds includes Common Teal, Northern Pintail, White Storks, Greater Flamingoes, Greater White Pelicans, Rosy Pelicans, Herons, Common Pochard, Northern Shoveler, and Brahminy Ducks. 

The sanctuary boast emergent and floating aquatic plants along with some terrestrial trees and herbs which includes Desi baval, Bor, Neem, Vad, Pilu, Gando baval, Kerdo etc.

High species diversity of water birds is the main attraction for an eco-tourist. Besides migratory birds, some of the resident birds are Purple Swamp hen, Indian Roller, Green Bee-eater, Purple Sunbird, Darters, Greater Coucal, Drongos, Painted Storks, Cormorants, Grey and Purple Heron, and Ibises.

Timing: 6 am to 5.30 pm; Fee : Rs. 20/- from Monday to Saturday and Rs. 25/- on Sunday.
