Monday, March 3, 2025

Tourism      Wildlife      Bird Sanctuary      Tamil Nadu     Thiruvallur    

Pulicat Lake Bird Sanctuary




Thiruvallur District, Tamil Nadu

Main attraction


Migratory Birds

Best time to visit


November – February

Entry Fee


6 am to 5.30 pm

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The 481 sq.kms Pulicat Lake Bird Sanctuary in Thiruvallur District is situated on the border between the states Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh. This birdsanctuary draw many bird waters from other parts of India, especially at weekends. One of the most beautiful wetland areas, it is the 2nd largest brackish water lagoon in India after Chilka lake in Orissa. The lake is about 60 km and width varying from 0.2 km to 17.5 km.

The lagoon which is about a million years old separated from Bay of Bengal by a spit of land on which is situated the town of Pulicat, 40 km north of Chennai. The Arani River at the southern tip, the Kalangi River from the northwest and the Swarnamukhi River at the northern end feed this water lagoon. During the monsoon period, the lake is filled by nutritious water and large numbers microscopic plant grows abundantly in the lake which provide food for invertebrates and fish.

As a result, large amount of wetland birds are attracted to the lake. But nowadays, the lake faces many environmental issues such as over-fishing, agricultural chemicals etc. Due to this, GNF (Global Nature Fund) nominates Lake Pulicat as 'Threatened Lake of the Year 2010'.

The lagoon is an important habitat for 160 species of fish, 25 species of polychaete worms, 12 species of prawn, 19 species of mollusk, 100 speceis of birds both terrestrial and aquatic birds and small mammals and reptiles. Migratory birds mainly from Central Asia and Eastern Europe, visits this sanctuary. The sanctuary mainly attracts Greater and Lesser Flamingoes, Grey Pelican, Painted Stork, Grey Heron, Ducks, Marbled teal, Terns, Egrets, Kites and Patridges, Quails, Sea Gulls and a number of Waders such as curlews, stilts, plovers, sand pipers, lapwings and redshank. . During the winter season, the sanctuary attracts up to 15,000 flamingoes.

Some of the commonest wetland birds include Shoveler, Garganey, Gadwall, Marsh Sandpiper and Black-tailed Godvit. Some of the resident birds listed are Grey Pelican and Open-billed Stork. The lake is also home to crabs, clams, mussels, oysters, snails, fish worms, insects, spiders, sponges, anemone, prawns, plankton and so on

The sanctuary provides eco-tourism on this lake by traditional punting or sailing in a flat-bottom boat rather than by a motorised boat.
