
Flora The terrain consists of rocky and uneven landscape which covered by scrubby vegetation, gorges and waterfalls and grass. It has a dry and hot climate. The vegetation that covers most of the park is of the miscellaneous dry deciduous forest interspersed with grassland areas. The park contains riverines, open grasslands, open woodlands with tall grasses and thorny woodlands forest types. River Ken pass through this park which is the main water source of the water birds and crocodiles. A boat ride on the Ken River is an amazing experience where one can get a glimpse of the water birds and the dense forest of Panna National Park. Some of the floral species includes tree species, which are found in the Panna National Park are Tectona grandis, Diospyros melanoxylon, Madhuca indica, Buchnania latifolia, Anogeissus latifolia, Anogeissus pendula, Lannea coromandelica, Bosswelia serrata etc. Fauna The animal population of this park comprises Tiger (Panthera tigris tigris), leopard (Panthera pardus), panther, blue bull, wild dog (Cuon alpinus), wolf (Canis lupus), hyaena (Hyaena hyaena), caracal (Felus caracal) and sloth bear. One can also spot the sambar, chital, chowsingha, nilgai and chinkara in most open areas. Panna park also has a rich collection of reptiles including the Long snouted crocodile (gharial), fresh water crocodile (mugger) etc. The park is also rich in bird life. Around 200 species, including resident and migratory birds are found in the park. Species of birds include white necked stork, bareheaded goose, Painted Sandgrouse, honey Buuzzard, King vulture, Blossom headed Parakeet, Paradise flycatcher and a wide variety of owls. Park entry fee Indians Rs 40, foreigners Rs 500 (covers both morning and afternoon safaris) Jeep rental Rs 1,500 per half day Cameras Still Rs 40, video Rs 200 Guide charge per vehicle Rs 100 Private vehicle fee Rs 150 Timings 6.30-10.30 am, 2.30-5.30 pm Safaris and boat ride Jeep Safari Boat Ride Elephant Safari |