
The water reservoir gives panoramic scenic view of the surrounding and its fascinating fauna attracts the visitors through out the year. It is considered as one of the important waterfowl habitats by the International Union of Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Spread over a protected area of about 10012 and core area near about 1765 hectares, the sanctuary comprising of evergreen forest and trees at the confluence of the Godavari and Kadwa rivers. Also a home to many endangered species of birds, this sanctuary was established in 1950. The area has many temples in the vicinity. The sanctuary also provides boating in the lakes. For boating, guides etc. Contact Asst. Conservator of forest RFO Nandur Madhyameshwar sanctuary either at Nasik or Khangaon Thadi. Flora Nandur Madhyameshwar Wildlife Sanctuary boasts nearly 460 species of plants along with 80 species of aquatic plant. These includes Ipomea fistula, Ipomea aquatica, Hygrophila auriculate, Phylanodiflora, Polygonum plebeium, Rumex dentatus, Hydrilla verticulata, Vallisneria spiralis, Eichhornia, Typha angustata etc. Babul, Neem, Tamarind, Jamun, Maharukh, Vilayati chinch, Mango, Pangara Nilgiri etc. The surrounding areas and galphera are intensively cultivated for wheat, Jowar, Sugarcane, Vegetables etc. Fauna The sanctuary has more than 230 species of birds – both resident as well as 80 species of migratory birds, 400 species of vegetation, 24 species of fishes and several small mammals. Tigers, Bear, Leopards, Bison, Barking deer, Samber, Wild boar, Wild dog, Panthers, Blue bull, Hyena, Jungle fowl, Ottar, Palm civet, Fishing cat, Jackal, Mongoose and many species of snakes etc are found in this sanctuary. During the winter months, the sanctuary attracts a lot of migratory birds, primarily White stork, Glossy ibis, Spoonbills, Flamigo, Goose Brahminy duck, Pintails, Mallard, Wigeon, Gargenery shoveller, Pochardds, Cranes Shanks, Curlews, Pratincole wagtails, Godwits, Weavers etc. And the resident birds include Black ibis, spotbills, Teals, little grabe, Cormorants, Egrets, Herons, Stork, Kites, Vultures, Buzzards, Harriers, Osprey, quails, Patridges, Eagles, waterhens, Sandpipe, Swifts, Grey hornbill, Peafowl etc. Nearly 24 species of fishes have been recorded in the nearby reservoir including Ompok Maculatus, Puntius Gawa Mullya. The best season to visit this sanctuary is from April to May. |