Dudhwa and the nearest town Palia has very few hotels
and no restaurants. But the park has rest houses with basic of facilities.
Guest houses are available at Sathiana, Sonaripur, Salukhapur, Belrayan
and Kila ranges.
For bookings, contact;
Field Director,
Project Tiger,
Dudhwa Tiger Reserve,
Lakhimpur-Kheri - 262001
Ph: 05872-52106.
The Bankati Forest Rest House has 4 suites and Dudhwa
Forest Rest House has 5 suites and two dorms (25 beds). There is a canteen
at Dudhwa rest house (0522-2612659; Tariff: Rs 150-300) which provides
meals and snacks. Near to this Tharu Hut (12 suites and 24 beds are available
Tariff Rs 200)- Ph: 2612659.