
Osian does not have any airport and railway station, The nearest airport and railway station is at Jodhpur (65kms), from here, take RSTC buses or taxi to reach Osian Temple Complex. How to reach Jodhpur Air : The airport is 5km from town center. Indian Airlines have two Bombay-Delhi flights and two Delhi-Bombay flights that go via Jodhpur. Vayudoot flights also available to Jodhpur. Rail : The city is well connected by the railway lines and trains are available from all major cities in the country for here. There are super fast expresses between Delhi and Jodhpur and Ahmedabad and Jodhpur. Road : Rajasthan State Roadways operate
buses from the bus stand at Raika Bagh to other cities in Rajasthan. RSTC
buses and private luxury buses connect Jodhpur with a bunch of places
around Rajasthan. There are private buses to Udaipur, Bikaner, Jaipur,
Ajmer, Mt. Abu and Jaisalmer. |