
Gangotri is well connected through road. The National Highway (NH 58, total length 538 km) from Delhi to Mana is accessible throughout the year. The nearest town is Rishikesh which is 265 km from Gangotri. From here hire private taxis/vans or public buses to reach Gangotri. Gangotri is also connected by road to Uttarkashi, Tehri Garhwal. Note that the road from Uttarkashi to Gangori is occasionally blocked by landslides during rainy season. Important road distances are Uttarkashi 97 km, Tehri 167 km, Dharasu 125 km, Yamunotri 232 km, Mussoorie 250 km. Air: Nearest airport is Jolly Grant in Dehradun, (26 km from Rishikesh) and nearest inernational airport is Delhi (513km). From Dehradun, taxis are available to Gangotri. Rail: Nearest railhead is at Rishikesh which is well connected to many major cities in India. Bus: Bus services of Samyukt Rotaion Yatayat Vyawastha
Samiti connect Gangotri with many centers in the region like Haridwar,
Rishikesh, Tehri, Uttarkashi etc. |