Arthur Seat
Arthur Seat located 1 Km from the center of the town can be reached
by taking the steep road going north. From this point one can get a bird’s
eye view of the Big Lake, Yercaud Town and the Shevaroy Peak.
The Small Lake
This lake situated very close to the town is reputed to be fed by
seven wells. The lake is bounded by a road, and on one end of the lake
is Montfort School and towards the other end is the town.
Silk Farm & Rose Garden
Located 2km from Yercaud town, one can see the cultivation of Mulberries,
the growing of silk worms and the method of spinning silk. The Rose Garden
has a good collection of varieties of Roses. There is a nursery in this
garden from where one can purchase plants.
Monfort School
Established in 1917 by Brother Denis, the school was named after the
founder of the Order of St.Gabriel, St. Louis Marie Grignoin de Monfort.
The school's vast campus include attractive buildings, spacious play grounds,
well planned beautiful gardens and a swimming pool. The School also has
a zoo which is open to the public only on Sundays. There is also an excellently
designed Church within the campus.
Bears Hill
This hill 2 kms from the town, is located near Monfort School and
to the east of Sacred Heart Convent. The place gives a panoramic view
of the portion of Yercaud covered with Schools and Seminaries.
The Retreat
The brothers of the religious Society founded by St. Don Bosco (1815-1888)
runs this Retreat. The Retreat was established in 1945 and serves as a
Novitiate house where students of the religious order stay and study.
Killiyur falls (rainy season only)
The 300 feet high waterfall located 3km from Yercaud town is situated
amidst picturesque surroundings. Water overflowing from the Big Lake fall
into the Killiyur Valley. Access to the fall is narrow and steep.
Sri Raja Rajeswari Temple
The deity of this temple is said to be the goddess of all gods in
the Hindu Pantheon. The idol of the goddess Sri Raja Rajeswari is seen
surrounded by a plethora of gods. Founded by Tirukovilur Thapovanam Srila
Sri Gnanananda Giri Swamigals Parampara disciple HH Swami Poornananda
Giri in the year 1983, there is a belief that with the deities blessings
one can attain wealth and prosperity and may be elevated to higher levels
of spirituality.