How to reach Gushaini
The nearest airport is at Kullu (Bhuntar) 54 km away. Regular flights
are available from New Delhi to Kullu.
The nearest railway station is Chandigarh, 279 km away and other nearest
airport is Joginder Nagar 180 km away.
Regular buses for Gushaini are available from Chandigarh, Kullu, and New
Delhi. Gushaini is about 550 km (15 hrs) from Delhi and it can be a difficult
journey as the roads here are quite steep and Gushaini is prone to landslides.
On the way to Gushaini, one can enjoy the beauty of many small waterfalls
and streams. This makes the drive worth the effort. Private cars and cabs
is the best option of travelling around Gushaini.
The route from Delhi is Delhi - Panipat - Karnal - Ambala
- Chandigarh - Ropar - Bilaspur - Mandi- Pandho Dam- Kanda- Gushaini.